| Viveur | One who indulges freely or with habitual excess in the pleasures of life (Merr-Webster Def.)

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Viveur Wines

Viveur Limestone Coast 2021 Shiraz

Regular price $34.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $34.95 AUD
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Meet Margeaux. It's been whispered that she's distantly related to a numbered Henry, but the family can't recall which.

She is structured, poised and intriguing.

Margeaux is the queen of hosts. A true lover of the arts and all things culinary. She loves to create delicious meals, then bring together old and new friends, all of whom are meticulously picked, brings her so much joy!

Margeuax can be found luxuriating at her beachside villa, tinkering away and always trying to find different food and wine flavour combinations, in readiness for her next soiree.

You never know who you might come across, at one of her (in)famous luncheons...